Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Minus 10 Expired Medications

The cough started two days ago and got worse through the night. At two o'clock this morning I dragged the chair over to the medicine cabinet, climbed atop, and opened the cupboard. I pulled out the plastic storage bin I keep the medicines in. It was over flowing with prescription medications and over the counter medications. All mixed together like a giant medicinal stew.

Ever eat a stew and realize there are no potatoes? That's how I felt. Forty thousand medications and not one for a child's cough. Three unopened bottles of Nyquil. Infant Tylenol from when my 8-year old was a baby... it was painfully obvious I had no idea what medications I had on hand. Items were outdated and couldn't be used, and yet I was storing them.

What's in your medicine cabinet?

This week's challenge is to Minus 10 Expired Medications. Gather all the medications you have in the house. Now, check the expiration date; properly dispose of the medications that are out-of-date. Take a quick inventory of the items you have on hand. Do you have what you need?

Some families may want to keep Tums on hand, while other families don't have that sensitivity. I have a baby at home - I better make sure I have fever reducing medication in stock. Think of what you commonly ails you or other members in your family. Allergies? Coughs? Headaches? Muscle pain? Stocking up and organizing now will save you that 2am run to the 24-hour pharmacy (located twenty minutes away because there isn't one in your town).

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Minus 10 Inactive Brain Cells

When trying to make life simpler, it isn't all about giving things up and letting go. Sometimes it's about grabbing on to something new. A lot of times it's something you've never heard of before.

It is virtually impossible to know everything there is to know about everything. That's why we talk to people, discuss our problems, vent - we're looking for other ways. Other ideas. It's why we click on AP headlines and watch the news. There's stuff to know - and we should want to know as much of it as we can.

It is such a wonderful feeling to experience that "a-ha!" moment, that feeling of hope, relief, excitement when we learn something new. A new understanding. A new possibility. A new way of doing things. It spices up life and makes it enjoyable.

It's time we grab hold of something new! This challenge is all about learning something you never knew before. Minus 10 Inactive Brain Cells and use them instead, to learn ten new things.

Sign up for a knitting class at your local craft store.

Read a random article on Wikipedia.

Never understood what Spinal Tap was all about?
Rent the movie.

Research how asphalt is made.

Figure out what the Pythagorean theorem is all about.

Take a zumba class.

Learn how to make your own paper.

Figure out who Hôjô Masako is and why she's considered "famous."

Learn about the highest peaks in Africa.

Look, life is simply too short not to learn as much as you can about the place you reside.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Minus 10 Unused Cards and Envelopes

Research has proven that people hate getting bills in their mail. Research has also shown that people get giddy over seeing a handwritten-addressed envelope in their mailbox. Ok, well, the research is actually solely based on how I feel getting an actual card or letter in my mailbox, but if I can get that excited, think of how others might feel.

It seems the only things being sent to me lately are bills, credit card applications and census information. It's time to spread a little cheer!

The challenge this week is to Minus 10 Unused Cards and Envelopes! Gather up ten cards and envelopes you have in the house and SEND THEM OUT to friends and family. Got an unused Halloween card sitting in your desk drawer? Who cares that it's not actually Halloween? Write a note and mail it! Cross out the preprinted text if you must, but send it out.

No greeting cards on hand? Find a piece of paper and write on it - the back of a take out menu, the flip side of a drawing your child made, even a page torn from a coloring book. Don't think about it -- just use it. Life is too short not to send a smile through the mail.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Minus 10 Days of Unnecessary Purchases

I can't believe I'm going to propose this challenge. I'm breathing through a brown paper bag as I type this: Minus 10 Days of Unnecessary Purchases.

I started this blog as a way to encourage myself (and hopefully others) into getting things back into perspective. Balancing things out. Sorting out priorities. I believe small changes reap huge results.

See, there are things we need and there are things we want. That's not to say that one should go through life without anything we ever want; it's saying we should understand the difference.

I'll go to the store for formula for the baby. That's a need. When I also pick up the next book we're reading for Book Club that's a want. Even when it's 10% off.

I need to get my daughter shoes that fit for gym class. The super-cute sundress - want.

I need saline solution to ensure my contact lenses are clean and ultimately safe to place in my eyes. I want the pen for work.

And so it is decided that for the next ten days - yes, ten days - the goal shall be to minus the purchases of anything unnecessary. If it's a want it stays on the shelf. Doesn't matter if it's a ninety-nine cent tube of lotion; if you have three bottle of lotion at home waiting for you then you don't need it. If you don't need it, you don't buy it. It's that simple.

For the next ten days keep track of everything you wanted to buy and how much it cost. At the end of the ten days look over your list. How much additional money would you have spent? How many of those items will you make it a point to go back and get? All of them? Or just a couple? Did you find that something you might have purchased on Day 3 you're really not that interested in anymore?